New Brunswick

Auto insurance in New Brunswick is provided by more than 65 private companies that compete for customers by offering a different mix of price, coverage and service. Everyone who wants to drive a car in New Brunswick must by law buy a minimum amount of insurance and has the option to buy more to suit their needs.
Having the right auto insurance coverage is essential for everyone who relies on their car to get them around. When New Brunswickers are involved in accidents, their insurance companies help them get better, support them if they are unable to work and protect them financially if they hurt someone else and are sued for it.
In Canada, provincial governments decide which mandatory benefits are included in the auto insurance product. The challenge is finding the right balance between affordable price for all drivers and adequate coverage for those who have to make a claim. For instance, if government makes the product very generous, it could become too expensive for many drivers.
Changes to New Brunswick’s auto insurance system in July 2003 helped improve that balance of affordability and adequate coverage. But more can be, and is being, done to ensure New Brunswickers are receiving the best coverage for the best possible price.

Minimum Required Auto Insurance Coverage in New Brunswick

As of July 1, 2013
Compulsory minimum third-party liability:$200,000 is available for any one accident; however, if a claim involving both bodily injury and property damage reaches this figure, payment for property damage will be capped at $20,000
Medical payments:$50,000/person, including rehabilitation, excluding health insurance and other medical plans; time limit is four years
Funeral expense benefits:$2,500
Disability income benefits:104 weeks partial disability; lifetime if totally disabled; maximum $250/week; must be disabled for at least 7 days to qualify; unpaid housekeeper $100/week, maximum 52 weeks
Death benefits:Death within 180 days (or two years if continuously disabled prior to death); death of head of household $50,000, plus $1,000 to each dependent survivor after first; death of spouse/partner $25,000; death of dependant $5,000
Impairment benefits:N/A
Right to sue for pain and suffering?Yes, but if injury a "minor injury," maximum award is $7,500
Right to sue for economic loss in excess of no-fault benefits?Yes
Administration:Private insurers
Notes:The optional “No Frills” policy with lower limits was repealed on December 20, 2007.

Steps Required to Become a Fully Licensed Driver in New Brunswick

Introduced January 1, 1996

How do I get a Class 7, Level I licence?

To get a Level I (Novice) licence, you must:

  • Be at least 16
  • Take a vision test
  • Take a driving knowledge test
  • Get parental consent if you are under 18

How long will I be in Level I?

You will be in Level I for 12 months. However, if you successfully complete an approved driver education course, this can be reduced to four months. A Class 7 licence is issued for up to four years. The earliest you can leave Level I is age 16 years and four months.

What are the restrictions while I am in Level I?

You must drive with a fully licensed driver who is in the front seat in a position to help if necessary. You cannot have any passengers except for your supervising driver. You cannot drink when you are driving – your blood alcohol must be zero. If you are found with alcohol in your blood, you will get a one-year suspension and will return to the beginning of the graduated licensing period with no credit for a previously passed road test or driver training course.

What else should I know?

You will get four points when you start. After one year, you get two additional points, for a total of six points. You continue to get two more points each year until you have 10 points. If you lose all of your points, you will get at least a three-month suspension and will return to the beginning of the graduated licensing period with no credit for a previously passed road test or driver training course.

How do I enter Class 7, Level II?

To get to Level II, you must successfully complete a road test.

How long will I be in Level II?

You must be in Level II for a miniumum of 12 months.

What are the restrictions while I am in Level II?

You cannot drink when you are driving – your blood alcohol must be zero. If you are found with alcohol in your blood, you will get a one-year suspension and will return to the beginning of the graduated licensing period with no credit for a previously passed road test or driver training course.

What else should I know?

You are allowed to have passengers in the vehicle in Level II.
If you lose all of your points, you will get at least a three-month suspension and will return to the beginning of the graduated licence period with no credit for a previously passed road test or driver training course.
You must have a Class 7 licence for a minimum of 24 months before you are eligible for a Class 5 licence.
You must apply for a Class 5 licence when you complete your Class 7, Level II.
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New Brunswick
New Brunswick
Reviewed by pada mama
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